Bold Trumped Neutral

By Tiffany Detweiler - Thursday, July 28, 2011

Making progress on the home renovation front! I say this often, but, we do still have a long ways to go! However, its nice to see some progress! This is our living room, its the first room you see when you walk into the house and both James and I wanted it to make an impression! So, in stead of doing a neutral color scheme we went for something a little more bold! It doesn't get much more bold then red and yellow! Also, I'm so in love with this happy yellow, even on dark stormy days the room is bright and warm!
Everyday Fun 7-27-2011-0896.jpg
What still needs to be done: New curtains, I'm thinking a bold pattern maybe something that will bring in some blues and greens like these from Anthropologie
I'm on the hunt for two wing-backed chairs and would LOVE to find something similar to these

We also are planning on refinishing the wood floors and staining them a VERY dark walnut see more of my design ideas for the living room check out my Pinterest board!

And because I'm a big fan of before and afters here is what the living room looked like with the previous owners! And Just as a side note, I will take my scuffed up wood floors over that awful pink carpet ANY day!

Everyday Fun 7-27-2011-0895.jpg
Far from being finished but its a good start! Also, I need to get those bookcases styled ASAP! What accent colors or decorations would you put in this room? Right now the vibe is very modern but I want to throw in some vintage accent pieces, perhaps a vintage birdcage? I'd love your input and ideas! 

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