Last year was my first year attending WPPI (Wedding and Portrait Photographers International) in Las Vegas, NV. It was a fantastic experience full of lots of learning, inspiration, motivation and yes a little bit of gambling. I saw many speakers and heard a lot of great things but what made my trip to Las Vegas worth every penny I spent (and gambled) was Justin and Mary’s class, "Creating Loyalty Beyond Reason". I was SO very inspired by their honest and open approach to business and wedding photography! I came home and told James, Justin and Mary rocked it and I would go to WPPI again just to be in another one of their classes! Well, guess what?! They are speaking again this year! The topic, "How to Be a Rainmaker" is on Thursday, Feb 24th at 9am! If you are attending WPPI, go to their class! You will not regret it, I can guarantee you will walk away feeling inspired and ready to take on 2011!
I, unfortunately won’t be able to attended their class this year, I’ll be headed back home that morning…this made me super sad! I was contemplating changing my travel plans so I could attend their class, until… I came across their latest blog post titled, WPPI Shoot Out w/J&M! What the what, they are doing a workshop in Vegas!!?? Not only are they doing a workshop...oh but its FREE for 20 lucky contestants! That’s right, a workshop and a contest to attend for FREE! Holy-moley I want to win! Being able to attend their workshop will totally makeup for not being able to attend their class on Thursday the 24th at 9am ;-)
Although the workshop is at 7am (Tuesday, Feb 22nd), I know I will have no trouble waking up and feeling eager to learn and participate with the 19 other workshop attendees! Plus, I’m used to getting up early since my kids usually have me up before 7am most mornings, no matter how much I bribe them with cookies and video games to stay in bed! Here’s to hoping I’m one of the lucky 20 to enjoy a brisk NV morning with Justin and Mary!
and to top things off here is a picture of Kaylee doing her "Pretty Please" super cheesy face!
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