I've had this idea in my head for months now...MONTHS! Every time I drove by a warehouse, every time I saw the railroad tracks... this idea would grown and grow till finally I got the perfect couple to give me free reign and let me do as I please! That awesome couple was Jenna and Greg! Believe me when I say "Awesome" I mean "AWESOME"! These fabulous love birds have been together for 3 years and are going strong! Their playful banter, heartfelt smiles and goofy looks they shoot at each other would make anyone get the warm fuzzies! I also had the extreme pleasure of having Erin Venters from Bella Luce Photography accompany us on our Photo excursion and we all had such a good time! I took everyone down through the Industrial district of Sparks where I finally got to have my idea come to life! Jenna and Greg were awesome in front of the camera and really worked it, as I walked them along some rundown area's and planted them in front of warehouses they didn't even blink just trusted and smiled for the camera! For me it was awesome to place this totally fabulous looking couple in such a rugged area, the contrasting themes made for some really unique images! So for our future clients, please remember that the sky's the limit when it comes to the location for your pictures! Again thank you Jenna, Greg and Erin, I had a blast and you all are some of the coolest people I know!
To see even MORE of their awesome pictures check out their webshow!
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