This is Kaylee, she was born July 2, 2008. She is now 8 months old and I’m her proud Mama. I had made a decision with my first child (Jack, who is now 2) that I would photograph my kiddos every month for their first year of life. The reason I decided to do this was simply, they change SO much in that first year! I wanted to be able to look back and remember EACH stage they went through, every new aspect of their personality and every funny and cute face they made! Once she turns one I will then compile my favorite shot from each month into a collage, I did this with my son and let me tell you I’m SO glad I did! In twenty years when both Jack & Kaylee are adults and no longer want to cuddle in moms lap I know I’ll go through these pictures and be thankful that I can relive it all!

This stage in Kaylee's Life she is teething and moving all over the place!

She also has learned the fine art of yelling from her older brother Jack, she cracks herself up doing it!

K-Bear I love you


This stage in Kaylee's Life she is teething and moving all over the place!

She also has learned the fine art of yelling from her older brother Jack, she cracks herself up doing it!

K-Bear I love you

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